Negotiable option market New York Curb Exchange 可转让选择权交易市场纽约场外证券交易所
I wove a very economic technology target, denominate is "of formula of" contented family name, can use at stock option market, go up in intellectual property problem excuse me, what right can I enjoy? 我编制了一个非常实用的技术指标,定名为“陶氏公式”,可以用于股票期货市场,请问在知识产权问题上,我可以享有哪些权利?
Become in option market when price of futures of spot price prep above, whether to have the generation that cover interest? 在期货市场中当现货价格高于期货价格时,是否有套利产生?
Promotion of Stock Index Option Market to Stock Index Futures Market: Evidence from Korea 股指期权对股指期货的促进作用:来自韩国的证据
This week's option market seemed to have fluctuated because somebody was selling maliciously. 本周的期货市场,因为有人恶意抛盘而显得震荡不稳。
The author holds that the developments and the opportunities in the option market should be made good use of and some corresponding countermeasures should be developed. 我们要把握好期货市场的发展空间和机遇,制定相应的对策。
Found option market, and carry on option transaction, which can change backward status and negative condition of our nation market system, and integrate with international option market. 建立期权市场,进行期权交易,能改变我国市场体系落后地位和被动局面,促使其与同国际期权市场接轨。
Establishing an Electric Power Futures Forward and Option Market Suited to China's Situation 建立适合我国国情的电力期货期权市场
By introducing the option and development of option market and analyzing the characteristic of several kinds of typical options, this paper clearly points out several important factors which influence the option price, and indicates the market risk of the option. 通过对期权及期权市场发展状况的介绍和对几类典型期权具体特点的分析,明确了影响期权价格的几个重要因素,了解了期权的市场风险状况。
The option pricing theories not only uphold the development of the option market but also promote the development of the whole finance-derived market. 期权定价理论不仅支撑着期权市场的发展,同时推动了整个金融衍生市场的发展。
The option is one successful nonesuch of the innovations of the finance-derived market, and the option market has become an important part of the world's financial market. 期权是20世纪金融衍生市场创新的成功典范。期权市场已经成为国际金融市场的一个重要部分。
Therefore, aiming at water supplied to urban industry by the Project, the paper proposes to elude risks brought by water charge fluctuation to enterprises with risk transfer function of option market and increase the international competitiveness of enterprises concerned. 为此,可以利用期货市场的风险转移功能来规避水价波动给企业带来的风险,增强企业的国际竞争力。
Since the appearence of B-S pricing formula at the beginning of 1970's, the option market has been developed quickly. On the base of standard option, many exotic options are derived. 自从上个世纪70年代初,B-S期权定价公式出现以后,期权市场得到了迅猛发展,在标准期权的基础上,衍生出了各种各样的奇异期权。
Considering the freight option market that the shipping market price wave can bring management chanciness. 从航运市场的价格波动会给船东及货主带来经营中的不确定性入手,分析了运费期货市场。
The State Electricity Regulatory Commission requested independent power companies transact on the platform of region power market in June, 2003. Its forward Purpose is electric future market and option market, and forward contract transaction. 2003年6月我国电监会要求电力市场主体统一在区域电力市场交易平台上进行交易,以远期合同交易为主,最终将电力期货、期权等金融市场列为远期目标。
On the System Theory of Option Market 论期货市场的系统原理
The end of this text is put forward the policy and suggestion to the question that exists in the stock option market of our country. 本文的最后一部分是对我国股票期权制度建设过程中遇到的问题提出了政策建议。
On option market the gain of butterfly spread investor is random. 期权市场蝶状价差的投资者获益具有随机性。
The results show that the algorithm can be applied in the option market. 表明该算法可用于期权交易的实际操作。
Overreaction in Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Option Market 香港恒生指数期权市场的过度反应现象研究
Stock option bargaining was carried out formally in Chicago Board Options Exchange on 26th, April 1973. It's 31 years ever since then, now option market has become an important part of international financial market. 1973年4月26日,美国芝加哥期权交易所正式开始进行股票期权交易。如今,31个年头过去了,期权市场已经成为国际金融市场的一个重要部分。
The capital market of our country is still unripe, futures market is not still standard, various kinds of reform measures have not been put in place yet, and option market is at embryonic stage. 我国资本市场还不成熟,期货市场尚不规范,各种改革措施还没到位,期权市场处于萌芽阶段。
Traditional finance option pricing models are all based on EMH and investors are rational, but the actual option market is not always effective and most investors are irrational. 传统金融学的期权定价模型都是建立在有效市场假说和投资者都是理性的基础上的,但在实际的期权市场上,市场并不总是有效而且大多投资者都是非理性的。
And then a quantitative analysis tool was provided to analyze the key factors in the best procurement strategy in the spot market and the option market. 然后提供了一种定量分析工具,甄别现货市场和期权机制中对最优期权采购量有影响的主要因素。
However, the precondition of carrying on a series of risk management is the valuation of option market risk. so how to quantity risk has very important meaning. 然而进行一系列风险管理的一个前提核心就是对权证市场风险的测量与评估,所以如何对权证的市场风险进行有效量化具有十分重要的意义。
Now option market has become an important part of international finance market. 今天,期权市场已成为国际金融市场的一个重要组成部分。
So I think these researches in Option market have great practical meaning in leading Option Pricing and monitoring our Option market. 这对指导权证定价和规范权证市场有着重要的现实意义。
The hedging is the original power of the development, it causes in the creating and developing of the market; and the price finding, which relates with speculators, is the core function in the option market. 规避风险功能是期货市场发展的原动力,推动了期货市场的产生与发展;而价格发现功能则直接影响着投资者套期保值的效果,是期货市场的核心功能。
Scientific option price can be established according to option pricing model, which will enable the option market to develop normatively and to exert its essential function effectively. 利用期权定价模型可以制定出科学的期权价格,使期权市场得到规范发展并有效发挥其必要的功能。
This article analyzes how the retailers utilize the advantage of spot market and option market to get the best procurement strategy. 文章研究了在现货市场和期权合约市场同时存在时,零售商采购的最优采购策略。